[urq] Post overhaul issue, 83 Urq

Patrick Carlier p.carlier at pandora.be
Sun Jul 31 03:01:15 PDT 2016

If  I were to deal with this problem  , I'de start by checking the flow to 
the pump .
Just disconnect the suction hose at the pump , catch the fuel in a jar , and 
see if it flows enough .
it's a 12mm (1/2 inch) hose so it should flow a considerable amount .
Most problem cis cars I've had in my shop had clogged filters and or clogged 
tanks .  .

While you're under the car measure the voltage at the pump terminals with a 
running engine if possible . .
Urq with their waek and "creative " wiring often have less then 10V at the 
terminals .
This causes weak and irregular fuel flow .

Next replace the large pressure filter near the fuel pump , good luck with 
that one , and clean or replace
the small filter inside the banjo on the cis head  that connects the fuel 
feed to it .

Check the carter vents and vacuum hoses for leaks and cracks .
Ths causes unmeasured air getting past the cis head resulti ng in a lean 
mixture and most
of the t ime an erratic idle .

A little ot
Something I find very usefull in any older car with  cis  efi or even carbs 
, is a wideband  afr gauge
permanently installed on the dash . It will tell you everything you need to 
know about your combustion
and nowaday's they are available for little money .
Example http://www.wide-band.com/product-p/apsx_d1diy.htm
To bad I cant't get them in europe .

Keep us posted .


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "David Ritter" <dave.ritter at gmail.com>
To: <urq at audifans.com>
Sent: Saturday, July 30, 2016 11:03 PM
Subject: [urq] Post overhaul issue, 83 Urq

> My 83 .
> Urq has been off the road for a couple of years waiting for me to replace
> the head, exhaust manifold and turbo. My old exhaust manifold was cracked,
> warped and leaking. The head had a couple of stud issues.
> I managed to finally gather up everything I thought I would need and tore
> it apart following the guide Phil Payne wrote up many years ago still 
> found
> on Audifans. The whole project really went pretty well and I only had a
> couple of minor problems with reassembly.
> The Water Pump, Timing Belt, Spark Plugs, Fuel Pump and Fuel filter and 
> air
> filter have all been changed. The injectors got new seals before going 
> back
> in. Most of the old gasoline was siphoned out and replaced with new
> gasoline and some injector cleaner.
> On cold start it seems to run perfectly normal for a few minutes, boosts
> normal, idles smoothly.
> Unfortunately, approaching normal operating temperature, power loss,
> missing (feels initially like a fouled plugs), low idle and stalling out.
> This will occur whether driven for a few minutes or just left to warm up
> idling.
> I've tried to go back over everything and can't figure out what got messed
> up.
> Does this sound familiar to any of you experts?
> Thanks for listening,
> Dave
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