[V8] Political Correctness gone wild

DasWolfen at aol.com DasWolfen at aol.com
Thu Nov 27 10:48:58 EST 2003

I'm reading a news report thats almost beyond belief. 

" LOS ANGELES (Feb. 26) - A county official has asked computer and video 
equipment vendors to consider eliminating the terms "master" and "slave" from 
equipment because they may be considered offensive. (Anyone really surprised that 
the story is from California?)

"Based on the cultural diversity and sensitivity of Los Angeles County, this 
is not an acceptable identification label,"  (Translation: Based on the 
politics of pandering to the lowest common denominator of our society we feel 
someone's gonna get a lotta votes in the future by using it to inflame the sheep.)

In May, a black employee of the Probation Department filed a discrimination 
complaint with the county Office of Affirmative Action Compliance after 
noticing the words on a videotape machine.  

"This individual felt that it was offensive and inappropriate ... given the 
experiences that this country has gone through in respect to slavery," office 
director Dennis A. Tafoya said.   (Translation: This individual felt they could 
profit monetarily by pointing out the oppression inflicted on a poor 
defenseless inanamate device)

 Although Tafoya said his office did not find discrimination in the case, he 
added, "I think we constantly need to be conscious of these issues." 
(Translation: We didn't want to give any money but my incompetent political bosses feel 
they may be able to get votes from it in the future.)

 Sandoval said the county is making a suggestion, not trying to dictate 
political correctness. (Translation: A couple of our elected officials want to wait 
till they really need votes to file a lawsuit in the 9th Circus Court.)

"Knowing that it's an industry standard, there's no way that I'm going to 
stop buying that equipment," he said.   (Translation: We don't really care but by 
pointing it out we look better in the mind of the mob.)

 Manditory Audi content: "Brake Master Cylinder" "Clutch Master Cylinder" 
Clutch Slave Cylinder".......Oh my, how could we possibly not recognize the 
feelings of inferiority we've inflicted on the poor Clutch Slave Cylinder by giving 
it the name "Slave"

 Sorry guys, I just couldn't resist. =0)



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