[V8] re: tires et al

Coleman, David David.Coleman at blackrock.com
Wed Feb 11 14:36:40 EST 2004

> I'm not going to even touch a discussion about "speed limits" being
> interpreted by the Fundamental Speed Law.  It is a pointless 
> argument...

I think what Keith referred to was that you can have a good ol' time going the posted limit if you carry that speed through corners that have the yellow-signed recommended slower speeds.  If that's done, then you're already realizing the benefits of a softer/stiffer tire without breaking any law.

And while a 2-ton car on lesser tires may do just fine, there is the possibility that it will come across a situation in which evasive maneuvers are only successful with a better tire.  Of course the trade off is tread life.  <insert 'cake and eat it' cliche>

> As far as your comments concerning the dark nights in Maine...

It does get very dark up there... I've "seen" it and it's creepy.  However, I've experienced the same absence of light in West Virginia mountains and northern Vermont logging roads.  I'd bet there's other geographical areas like that too.  Which of course digs up the ineffective U.S. Gov't standards for headlights!

That all said, Delaware is the worst state for star gazing -- not one square inch that isn't polluted with light!


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