[V8] Timing belt "rattle" once again

Kristian Manusha v8q at hotmail.com
Tue Feb 17 15:09:42 EST 2004

Hello V8 list,

My apologies, this subject has been address numerous times in the past.  I 
have just completed the timing belt service to eliminate the rattle/knocking 
noise eminating from the driver's side valve cover.  The timing belt was 
changed approximatley 2 years ago by a VAG techincian and from that day 
forth the noise began to appear when the engine became warm.  Now, 3 months 
ago I replaced the the timing belt again with a factory one in hopes of 
eliminating the rattle.  When inspecting the previous t/b job I found the 
tensioning shock was out of spec and for the hell of it threw in all the new 
rollers and factory water pump.  Upon completion of my service the noise 
went away for a little while, but has come back slightly quieter. Factory 
tools were used as well. Just wondering in there was any consensus on what 
could be making the ugly noise, I recall there were a few posts with 
different components causing the annoying rattle.  Any help would be greatly 

90 V8 76,000 km


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