[V8] injector seals

Ed Kellock ekellock at adelphia.net
Mon Jan 26 00:04:09 EST 2004

Pursued another lister's discovery of a Mustang SVT fuel injector seal kit (Borg Warner seal kit p/# 274081) being available at PepBoys.

It is available and it does have 2 o-ring, a plastic cap, and the plastic spacer/bushing that goes under the cap, however the cap itself does not fit the Audi V8 injector.  It is too tall and tapers too much toward the tip.  The kit would be worthwhile for for the o-rings, however I had no trouble finding those separately at my local euro auto parts store.

Also went to a Napa and told them '91 Audi V8 fuel injector fuel kit and they carried out what appeared to be the same kit as I checked out at Pep Boys... same blue cap, etc.  Oh well.
Parts guy at local euro parts store is checking one more thing he found.  Will find out tomorrow if that may pan out.

Just FYI.


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