[V8] RE: Gimps one and two

Christian Long relayer at cfl.rr.com
Mon Jul 19 20:39:12 EDT 2004

Shawn has a burned foot, you have an injury on your foot from monkeying
around, and Breeze has a broken foot.  Not a good month for feet....

-----Original Message-----
From: Dave Head [mailto:v8q at bellsouth.net] 
Sent: Sunday, July 18, 2004 3:56 PM
To: v8newlist; Christian Long
Subject: Gimps one and two

Last night Shawn lost track of what he was doing while fussing with his 
Audi and stepped on a soldering iron - result: 3rd dregree burn across 
his foot...
Today, dad's replacing old screens on the pool enclosure when the ladder

slides out from under. After 'hanging out' for awhile, drops into the 
shallow end of the pool. Foot's not broke, but it ain't happy either...


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