[V8] PS hose repaired

dsaad at icehouse.net dsaad at icehouse.net
Mon Nov 15 11:28:54 EST 2004

I got my rebuilt hose back from Spokane Hose Friday. It looked great, but they
made it about 1/2 inch longer than the OEM (which they sent back).
As has been reported, these guys are great to work with and very fast.

The hardest part was the clamp that holds the hose to the frame rail - it sits
under the ABS pump bracket and needed some persuasion to get off/on.
I cut the insulation wrap off the old hose and put it over the new with some tie
wraps to hold it in place.
So far so good.

I have also converted to Chevron RYKON Premium 32 - an oil that crosses directly
to Mobil DTE-13M but is easier for me to get. About $35 for 5 gallons.
This oil looks like it may be a little bit heaver than the 11S. It seems thicker
than the LH/M that I had been using but I don't have any real 11S to compare
with. Probably not a problem unless I move to Alaska - but with all the global
warming, not likely a big deal there either :-(
There is a lighter version of this oil if it becomes a problem.

I flushed about 1/2 gallon through the system so far and will probably drain and
refil the tank a few more times over the next few months. The oil is clear.


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