[V8] Airbag lights and airheads

Ralph Cook rcook at integrityplastics.com
Tue Nov 16 10:06:43 EST 2004

My 1993 V8Q is resisting the impending sale to another lister.
The airbag light is still on.
After Jeremy Ward directed us to the proper connection point, I thought we had the airbag light issue solved.
I was wrong. My local Audi tech could not shut the light off. 
I took the car to Autohaus in Lancaster. The dealer tech came out with his portable electronics. 
He looked at the car and asked "What is this, an old A8?"
I knew then that it was going to be another dead end as he couldn't find the connection point. 
He went to his desk, read the manual and told me what Jeremy had already disclosed. 
"The connection is behind the radio, you will have to make an appointment." 
The next appointment was three weeks away.

The pending sale may have to be put off for a while.

Ralph Cook
1993 V8Q with airbag light
2001 A6 4.2 still healthy
2004 Toyota 4-runner, wifes rig

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