[V8] Battery discharge issue...

dsaad at icehouse.net dsaad at icehouse.net
Mon Nov 29 17:07:06 EST 2004

If you are getting no less than 13.8v and no more than 14.7v at the battery
terminals then the alternator is probably OK. Under a full load, you may have to
go up to maybe 1500 RPM but that should be enough. Turn on everything electrical
you can find - hi-beams, rear defrost, seat heaters, etc

>From your description, the alternator is fine but the 1.5 amp drain will kill a
battery. remove the door switches for any doors you need to go in through (to
keep the interior lights off) and shut down the car. Besure to trigger the
retained power relay by opening the drivers door and watch to see that the red
lights go off in the window switches. If you still have a current draw then the
usual course of action is to start pulling fuses one at a time to see which one
causes the problem.


Quoting William Gutierrez <lundabo at msn.com>:

> Happy post-thanksgiving everyone.
> I have a question for all you electrically-gifted listers out there.
> I've been experiencing a rapid discharge situation on my battery now for a
> few weeks.  If I let me car sit for more than 48 hours, the battery will
> have drained to the point it won't start, and in another 24 hours it will be
> dead.  This was happening with an old battery, and is continuing to happen
> with a brand new battery.
> I have a 2-year old Avi Ultranator, and with the car running, I'm getting
> near 14 volts at the battery, so it doesn't look like its an alternator
> issue.  A friend suggested it may still be the regulator, but I'm not sure
> how to test for that.
> When I tested the static draw at the negative terminal of the battery, I'm
> getting a draw of almost 1.5 amps.  Is that normal?  What should I be
> expecting?  Any help here would be appreciated.
> Thanks.
> Bill Gutierrez
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