[V8] Alternator, charging, Channel 11 on CC head

Charles Wurts cwurts12 at mindspring.com
Fri Apr 1 21:32:54 EST 2005

I am going to try to keep this short, shorter than the experience which 
precipitated the questions.

About ten days following a rebuilt hydraulic pump and serpentine 
belt....   a trip in the dar and then the car sat for 36 hours....  the 
car started and produced the battery icon in the multifunction display. 
  No Alt. light.  Minutes later the car died with a dead battery.  At 
170k I assumed it was the original voltage regulator and brushes on the 

I was out of town and without tools so I had to rely on a dealer with 
Saturday service to sort it out and get home.  I had the regulator in 
hand by the end of the day Friday (day before).  The tech looked at it 
(never seen a V8 before) and notes the tensioner on the serp belt.  It 
was weeping, so that was the first target on his list. ( days go by 
here waiting for the part)  So he replace it, and while he was at it, 
he put the regulator/brush assembly in.  Before I left, I put a cheap 
'Shack meter on it and saw 14 and change at the battery terminals.  So 
it is charging.  And the belt isn't chirping at WOT.  It seems that the 
charging system is working well now.

The question I have is that now, post service, that channel 11 on the 
Climate Control shows 12.0 and doesn't budge, with lights or without.  
It used to be that Channel 11 showed good dynamic values between 13.3 
and 13.7.   Any ideas why?

Also, regarding the "grounding strap" issue,  I don't see any break in 
the line between the battery and the alternator.  I checked the line 
between the firewall and the drivers seat.  But if I see 14.# at the 
battery posts while the car is running, all is well, right?


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