[V8] Re: Crushed 5-speed

Kent McLean kentmclean at mindspring.com
Fri Jan 21 21:07:27 EST 2005

DaveC. <David.Coleman at blackrock.com> wrote:
 > So I this afternoon I got sandwiched on I-495 south
 > thru Delaware this afternoon by a big old tour bus.

To quote the news reporter at the crash of the Hindenburg,
"Oh, the humanity."   I can't believe it was one of the
5-speeds.  :(

As for the driver with no insurance, so what.  If I were
your lawyer, I'd be going after the driver, the tour bus
company, and all of his passengers (who hired the uninsured

I hope you had witnesses.

Kent McLean
'94 100 S Avant
'89 200 TQ, "Bad Puppy" is no more

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