[V8] A8 CV joint pricing

cobram at juno.com cobram at juno.com
Sun Jan 30 19:46:21 EST 2005

I stopped looking and dismissed the info offered, when, under "Average
Replacement Cost" it listed "Automatic Transmission or Transaxle$1,100". 
Same price listed for the V8Q.....yeah, at that price I'll take 4 please.
 While I'm there I'll have the timing belt done for the $310 they have
listed, I spend more than that on parts when I do it myself...dogh.


Kent McLean <kentmclean at mindspring.com> writes:
> I've been giddy (or hallucinating) since I found
> out the prices of A8s have dropped below $10K:
> But in reviewing a buyer's guide, I was shocked
> (over and above normal Audi pricing shock) to see
> CV joints parts-and-labor are over $2300!
> I checked the V8 repair pricing, and it's the
> same for the CV joints.
> When did they start making wear items from gold?
> Or is it the Audi-certified labor that is priced
> for royalty?

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