[V8] sticky brakes part 2

DasWolfen at aol.com DasWolfen at aol.com
Thu Mar 3 15:43:22 EST 2005

In a message dated 3/3/05 3:16:22 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
dsaad at icehouse.net writes:

> So - the new cable should be here tomorrow and the whole deal including new 
> rear
> pads, caliper bolt kit, new e-brake cable, new filter o-rings, and a flush 
> with
> super blue will be under $100. Not too bad for a V8 I guess.

Just wondering why on earth you would go to the trouble of replacing one 
cable and not do the other? Seems like you'd only want to do this job once. Also, 
did you get a pair of new mounting clips? Many times they will be pretty much 
toast by the time you get them out.

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