[V8] Gasoline

Walt Harder Walt.Harder at worldnet.att.net
Fri Apr 28 14:47:52 EDT 2006

Maybe I missed it, but I've seen no comments on the "altitude advantage."  I understand that at elevations over 4000 feet one can safely use the next lower grade of gasoline because lower air pressure reduces pre-ignition.  This doesn't apply to additives, however.

In Colorado Springs (elev. 6300') and in the nearby mountains I've used the lowest octane (and cheapest) gasoline available.  I'm a contrarian (some say "tightwad") and don't believe that "more expensive" and "higher grade" necessarily equates to "better".  Since the '90 V8Q joined my family in '99, I've added 30K miles to the original 40K.  It's first TB change is due so I'll check it for any low octane consequences at the same time.  I don't expect to find any.

...Walt Harder

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