[V8] Ignition Switch Frustration

urq urq at pacbell.net
Thu May 24 17:57:40 EDT 2007

A few weeks back I had to take V8 #2 out of service due to a failure in the
ignition switch.  The final failure mechanism was the fracture of the
"tongue" which goes into the electrical part of the switch and which
activates all of the various controls.  Well, when I removed the electrical
piece I noticed that the housing was cracked, apparently due to the stress
from an internal spring.  For some reason I ended up buying a replacement
column lock assembly, which happens to include a replacement electrical
switch.  I realized that I forgot to install the felt noise reduction
pieces, which meant I had to pull the column again.  Well, I decided I would
put some dielectric grease on the rotating part of the switch ... so I
removed the switch module ... and what did I find?  The *brand new* switch
had the beginnings of the same sort of crack I found on the part I removed!
The failure mechanism looks to be the same; it appears that the internal
spring is overstressing the plastic of the housing.  I am convinced that
that this condition precipitated the fracture of the tongue.  What happens
is that the axis of rotation for the switch module moves away from the axis
of rotation of the key mechanism, which adds lateral stress to the narrow,
pot-metal tongue.

Another data point I have is that I have an electrical module I bought a
while back because I knew there was a problem developing in the switch.
This switch does not have the same design as the other two in the design of
this spring.  I used this switch in the column lock that I re-installed.  

It is too bad that it is such a PITA to get to the screws that hold the
switch in place.  I'm going to pull the column on #344 and see if it is
developing the same failure ... once #2 is back in service of course!  It is
also too bad that it isn't possible to get a replacement ignition lock
cylinder which can easily be keyed to match the car.  

I've got pictures of the failures and the two switch designs if anyone wants
to see what I'm talking about ... wish me luck in getting a replacement
switch from Audi!

Steve B
San José, CA (USA)

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