[V8] Steering questions

Kneale Brownson knealeski at sbcglobal.net
Wed Apr 23 11:11:50 PDT 2008

House of Hose has both phone and fax toll-free numbers on its website  http://www.spokanehose.com/  Ask them about costs and turn-around time.  Most report they get the new hose shipped out the day or day after receiving it.
  As an aalternative, buy used hoses from someone like Chris Semple and send those to Spokane.  Do the job when the rebuilts return.
  Removing the hoses and pump will all but empty the system.  

Scott Simmons <indischrot at gmail.com> wrote
To get all the lines rebuilt, how much does Spokane cost and how many 
days turn-around? Starting this project leaves me without a car (and 
wife growls at the idea of car sharing) so it'd have to be quick.

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