[V8] Seat antics

Scott Simmons indischrot at gmail.com
Mon Feb 11 21:37:48 PST 2008

Bought 12ft of phone cord and routed it from the rear cigarette lighter 
along the center console, under the driver's floor mats, up the 
A-pillar, and resting in the headliner. So now I can hook up my 
Valentine 1 without dangling power cords.

But, I had to move the seat back and forth to get my hands into certain 
areas. When I was done, the seat moved into it's position but the 
backrest button wasn't working. It wouldn't move.  Weird clicking noise 
when I moved the button.  All other functions worked just fine but the 
backrest won't move. 

Go work for 6 hours, deal with total wackos.

Come out, seat works perfectly. Moved hands away from controls slowly.  
Was the motor just hot or stuck in a bad spot?  Should I never, ever 
touch those controls again and just enjoy the seat in the cockpit 
position it's in? 

On a secondary note: did Audi ever expect the side-panel piece (between 
door and dashboard) to ever return to it's original position?

Stressed from fixing bathroom sink catastrophe,
Scott S.

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