[V8] Fuel evacuation

Jason Wilkerson wilke_jb at yahoo.com
Thu Feb 28 12:52:32 PST 2008

Maybe a dumb question, but, why?  If you need to do a fuel pump, unless it
is totally brimming with fuel, just stick your arm in there like a man and
twist the old one out.  As long as you have used enough fuel from full to
account for what your arm will displace you shouldn't loose any to the
ground.  I guess you could get some really long glove that was impervious
to gas, but where is the fun in that?  
  If you still want to get it out, I would remove the fuel pump cover
first, then buy one of those cheap hand siphons, do it from inside the
trunk, that way you don't have to get it all out, just what you need to
'dry' the pump.

          Just a thought.

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