[V8] back-up light switch

Kent McLean kentmclean at comcast.net
Sat May 2 12:38:34 PDT 2009

urq wrote:
> .... replace the relay with a jumper like the MT cars have ... 

Ya, but... where is it?  I don't (yet) have a Bentley for the V8 (although
I do have one for the 200).

Looking at this, it's not listed on the relay panel under the passenger's feet:

Tony suggested (off-list) the same thing. He even offered the terminals
to be jumped: pull relay #8 and jumper terminals 38/30 and 36/87. He also
included a hand-made image showing "the second one down on the driver's
side" as being #15 Shift Lock Control Unit. But that doesn't show on my
1990 V8. (Double checks.)

Ho!  "Logic relay for P/N-Lock" must be the Starter Relay. (P/N must be
Park/Neutral). I'm getting closer, and I still have daylight.


Kent McLean
1999 A4 Avant, V6 Tiptronic
1991 200 TQA #3, with mods
1990 V8 w/5-speed and other mods
gone: '91 200 TQA x2, '94 100 S Avant, '89 200 TQ "Bad Puppy"

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