[V8] Evo V8's

Bastian Preindl bastian at preindl.net
Wed Jul 7 01:54:31 PDT 2010


the Öttinger Crankshaft together with custom pistons (required) produces 
280hp out of the PT. I can't tell if any other kind of modifications 
(head, injection, ECU,...) have also been made. Rumours say that there 
is a brochure around but I can't tell. I personally only know one single 
Öttinger V8 and I got all the specs I told you from the owner today morning.

> Do u know the specs on the Oettinger crank?
> And what did they do to the intake's.....just port match the heads?
>   And no injector upgrade huh?

Talking about ABT? I can try to ask on audiv8.com, I told you everything 
I'm aware of. Well, not completely true: I have a test of an ABT V8 
somewhere at home. I'll try to have a look asap.

>   And how hard would it be to source a 4.2 manual ECU and wiring harness?

You are talking about an 4.2 manual ECU with ABT modifications? The only 
possibility I see is to find somebody with such a chip and make a copy. 
Not easy. But I think that chips like Blue Diamond are not worse. 
Generally ABT make rather "soft" chips, compared to for example MTM (but 
MTM never chipped a V8, as far as I know). I think the major impact on 
the power is done via head modifications. That also reflects the opinion 
of the people at audiv8.com. I can get you in touch with one our engine 
"gurus" at audiv8.com if you are (and he is...) interested.


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