[V8] Chips and computers

toml99 at todomundo.com toml99 at todomundo.com
Sun Sep 19 20:58:42 PDT 2010

(Huggy Bear)...."There are lister's out there looking for fresh meat"

(Hutch).....Who's in charge of all these "girl's"

(Starskey)......Heard there's a warehouse somewhere on the East Coast, 
(possibly Mass/maybe Glassboro,N.J.) but they all get sent to someone  
named "Steve B", who supposedly lives in Utah/ or maybe Idaho....Not  
sure.....Kingpin of some sort.....

all of the sudden Baretta bust's in and utters the immortal  
words......"You can take that to the bank".......

Just had to make fun of the "fresh meat" quote

.....Don't think it went over too well, and thought it was  
funny....Hasn't been any good "dirt" on the site since the great  
"Wiki" wars..Sincerely, Tom

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