[V8] Audi Taps Musician Kenny G for Super Bowl Spot

mr_scsi scott.matus at gmail.com
Wed Feb 2 07:08:34 PST 2011

OH no, not Kenny G.

I hope that will work for them.


Subject: Audi Taps Musician Kenny G for Super Bowl Spot
To: scott.matus at gmail.com

Dear Scott,

Audi today announced that Grammy-winning saxophonist Kenny G will make
a humorous appearance in the brand’s 60-second spot during Super Bowl
XLV. The ad, set to air in the first break after kick-off on February
6, 2011, will feature an adventurous prison escape scene that
culminates with a comical cameo by Kenny G as the luxury prison Riot

Launching today, an online teaser video featuring Kenny G as the Riot
Suppressor can be viewed at YouTube.com/AudiofAmerica.

For full press release, click here.

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