[Vwdiesel] Another leaky pump

Scott Kair scott3491 at insightbb.com
Mon Jun 3 06:49:22 EDT 2002

    It's been a couple of years since I bought the tools, but the cheapest
source at the time was Sir Tools, through German Parts and Restoration.


    The site was being updated this morning and wouldn't load completely,
but I recently bought a few quarts of Redline MTL from them and received
good service- although you may want to have it shipped express.
    The dial indicator I bought off Ebay, though.

    >>Any problem upgrading to an '86 pump with the idle speed increase? The
start advance knob should be the same, right? Only difference I can think of
is that the '86 car has a detent in the knob to help denote the difference
between just timing advance and idle speed increase with timing advance.<<

    There was an incomplete thread on that subject; I'd speculated that when
the hydraulic heads went into production, the pump was changed to include
the extra idle screw that obstructs access to the #2 glow plug, which
allowed for the detent type cold start knob.
    A switch may be straightforward, or it may get complex.
    James had some good advice- check the fuel and return lines.  I've had
an epidemic of leaky lines on both Jettas of late.

    >>Where'd the power go? This thing
needs a turbo!<<

    See previous reference to goats.  :)


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