[Vwdiesel] 0w30 Mobil 1

Jonbonbart at aol.com Jonbonbart at aol.com
Sun Mar 3 18:31:42 EST 2002

In a message dated 3/3/02 6:26:40 AM Eastern Standard Time,
vanman at shentel.net writes:

<< Is anyone on the list using 0w30 Mobile 1? >>

Yes, I am. I run it in a 1996 Passat TDI. I also ran it in my previous 1996
Passat TDI.
Some important points to bear in mind:
The 1996 model year Passats specify an oil meeting the "API Service CD".
Mobil1 meets these earlier VW requirements. Newer TDI models have a different
oil requirement that Mobil1 might not be certified as meeting.
I run a submicron bypass oil filter and have had periodic oil analysis
performed. My soot levels have never climbed above 1%. The low soot level
might not be possible without the use of a bypass filter.

The first Passat ran 150k+ miles before being totaled. The engine is being
kept as a spare. My second one was bought a year ago with 175k+ miles. It now
has 214k+ miles and the bypass filter salvaged from the first one. The way it
still runs I might never need the spare.
Jonathan Bartlett

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