[Vwdiesel] 0w30 Mobil 1
Jonbonbart at aol.com
Jonbonbart at aol.com
Mon Mar 4 13:21:43 EST 2002
<< > The 1996 model year Passats specify an oil meeting the "API Service CD".
> Mobil1 meets these earlier VW requirements. Newer TDI models have a
> oil requirement that Mobil1 might not be certified as meeting.
The reason that this is so is the difference in the EGR system. >>
Absolutely true that the 1996 TDI does not have a water jacket cooler for the
<< can anyone give me a scale of oil ratings, and what each rating means, and
which accels over the other.>>
The C ratings, unlike the S ratings for spark ignited engines do not follow a
scale of increasingly more stringent requirements. A CF oil might not
necessarily be a better oil for a specific application than a CD.
<<What's the feasibility of disconnecting the EGR on the TDI's? I know on
many other engines you can simply disconnect the line to it and tada! No
more extra soot. Is there a sensor or such that will put out a fault code if
you do such a thing? It just seems so much like taking a percentage of your
garbage and making you use it each time you make stew for the family.>>
The invasion of the Epsilonians claims yet another convert!
The 1996 TDI does not produce a fault code if such an illegal activity is
performed. But I haven't checked my EGR vacuum line recently to positively
state that it is free of foreign matter. 1997 and later TDI are more
insidious, hence the reference to the Epsilonians.
Consider EGR more like a starter yeast from the last batch of Sourdough or a
previous vintage of fine wine. Infant elephants, sloths, and many other
animals eat their parents feces as a first meal in order to get the needed
bacteria for digestion.
You'll thank me for that insight the next time you hear; "A loaf of bread, A
jug of wine, and Thou..."
Jonathan Bartlett
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