[Vwdiesel] about to re-ring, scuff question

Nate Wall nwall at opei.org
Fri Oct 25 10:38:24 EDT 2002

<<<I took a quick look a few days ago, and had
convinced myself that I wouldn't be able to get to the intake and
exhaust manifold Allen screws.  I'll have to try harder.  Do you take
the hood off so you can get in there better?  Ooooh, does that maybe
mean I don't have to undo those horrible exhaust clamps?  Just leave the
manifold hanging there?>>>>

Is this a TD or NA? Leave BOTH manifolds attached when removing the head. I even
left them attached when I replaced the valve guides and lapped the valves and
replaced the valve guide seals. I have a TD, so what I do is I remove the turbo to
make it lighter, and that, of course, disconnects the exhaust manifold from the
header and down pipe, so I don't have to mess w/ those spring clips.


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