[Vwdiesel] diesel pump rebuild

Nate Wall natewall1 at yahoo.com
Fri Aug 1 07:40:53 EDT 2003

Don't have it done in Northern Virginia! United Diesel
(Springfield, VA) quoted me something like $400 just
to replace the bushing (included welding the pump
housing wear and milling a new bushing hole) and
another $300 for the rebuild, and possibly more if
time and materials were higher! DC area again! We're
talking about $800! I put a new pump shaft seal in
mine that Gary B. had with the motor I bought and
things are A ok now! The shaft was nice and tight. The
seal was just dry rotted.


--- LBaird119 at aol.com wrote:
> > looking for someone reasonable that rebuilds
> diesel pumps. east tennessee
> > area
>   I was at a nice place near/in Overton TX that was
> impressive.  They knew
> of upgrades and all, not just how to replace parts.
> AFIK expect to pay
> around $400 + about anywhere you go.
>      Loren
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