[Vwdiesel] Injection timing of Old Volks. # 6 - ( the saga goes on and --)
H .Hagar
h_hagar at prcn.org
Wed Aug 6 10:30:18 EDT 2003
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" Injection timing of Old Volks # 1" can be found at 31 July 2003. I=
t is necessary to read it all. A condensed version may follow later. =
After all the things you have done so far like adjusting valves , ch=
ecking compression and trying to get to that ridiculous dial indicator tole=
rance. 0.0007874 inch. That is definitely a "C" hair. No amount of per=
fection will do the job if Dynamic timing is not working properly. So we a=
re doing two things , to get power with no smoke. 1. getting timing to wo=
rk. 2. finding optimal setting for pump by sound and feel and power --- St=
andard settings do not work for OLD pumps and injectors and valves.. This p=
rocedure is very inexpensive, but it does take time, since we drive between=
adjustments. Lets refresh why timing quits on these VE pumps. crapp=
y fuel crappy fuel and more crappy fuel. With proper fuel they would go on =
for a long long time. Do a google search Bosch VE pumps --- incredible ho=
w many pumps failed at 60 000 Km's. And VW saying no to warranty claims ev=
en under smoke laws.Here is what goes wrong The vanepump vanes wear and tim=
ing piston bore (housing body of pump) wears letting thin fuel leak by . Th=
at together ends up as no ability to move injection point (advancing) so en=
gine can accept more fuel without smoking. If at the same time there is a l=
eaking seal or o ring , situation will be way worse. Make a special 13 m=
m wrench as follows.Take a standard 1/2 " or 13mm 1/4 inch drive socket.G=
et a toy one soft steel and drill hole lengthwise so socket will slip on f=
uelling screw. then silver solder a handle to outside for turning . Use im=
agineering.This to be able to use wrench and screwdriver at the same time. =
Mark Shepherd you are a fellow hillbilly fixer --- how's am I doing so fa=
r ???.
Timing piston is heavily anodized aluminium Diameter 55 thou short of an =
inch. Length 2 " 150 thou. Returnspring Coil
1=2E4 " wire 100 thou 7 turns colour green.Internal pump pressure at =
idle about 30 psi at speed more than 80 psi.
The first day that you drive that car , and it climbs that hill in high gea=
r without smoking (like mine did) send me an "attaboy" . I am=
ashamed that it took me so long to figure out. Hagar. H=
ave fun.
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