[Vwdiesel] Keeping a totalled vehicle in IL

Scott Kair scott3491 at insightbb.com
Sat Dec 6 07:08:34 EST 2003

    Didn't get to check the mail until later last night.  The chop-shop
legislation is news to me, but then I haven't wrecked anything that new in
    I'll check with my insurance agent on this as soon as I can get with
her.  In the meantime, if you could track down the source of what you've
been told, it would be helpful.  I might be a bit skeptical if it came
solely from the other guy's insurance company.
    On the other hand, with our legislature, just about anything is possible
except good sense.  It's also highly possible that someone in the chain of
information custody misread something, or omitted an exception in the law.
    If you can get the statute number, or at least the year the law was
passed, it would be quite helpful in looking it up.
    Scott Kair

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