[Vwdiesel] Slick 50...scam'97?
Fernando Fiore
ecodiesel1 at hotmail.com
Fri Feb 14 00:51:29 EST 2003
Quoting "High Performance Automotive Fuels and Fluids", Jeff Hartman:
...there appear to be documented cases of PTFE actually damaging
engines. In one well-known case, PTFE additive had completely covered the
engine's oil filter element and blocked the oil pump sump pickup, leading to
oil starvation at the engine bearings and significant wear damage...
...Forgetting for a moment about the possibility of a PTFE disaster,
PTFE additives appear to lose 75% of the PTFE into the oil filter in 15
minutes running...
When I read that, I thought it was rather interesting that some companies
still sell teflon-based engine additives. It went on for paragraphs, how
the Government tested it, also proving these effects. Just some actual
literature backing what everyone has already said.
Fernando Fiore, "Nando"
84 VW Rabbit Diesel "GTI"
1/4= 21.249 @ 60.95mph
81 Audi 5000S Diesel
1/4= N/A
>From: James Hansen <jhsg at sk.sympatico.ca>
>To: Vwdiesel <vwdiesel at audifans.com>
>Subject: RE: [Vwdiesel] Slick 50...scam'97?
>Date: Thu, 13 Feb 2003 23:27:17 -0600
>The "test" they use doesn't really apply to the conditions they are
>your oil has to withstand. There are very low shear loads on engine oil.
>The weighted stationary rolling element rubbing on shaft test is a standard
>oil test for shear strength. This is very important in things like
>gearboxes, especially hypoid cut gears in diffs. It however does not apply
>to your engine really, and you would obtain similar results to the
>demonstration they usually do by putting a couple drops of some hypoid gear
>oil on the test pieces in place of their snake pee. So, adding some snake
>oil to your engine to improve shear characteristics may not be the worst
>thing you could do, it is expensive, and adds negligible longevity. The
>demo is designed to make you BELIEVE, rather than prove anything in a
>scientific manner using methodology reflecting the duty cycle of engine
>I don't think slick nifty had any teflon in it, it was just viscosity
>improver, and shear strength additives.
>That said, there has been a big cafuffle over teflon products in general...
>they can and may clog oil galleries, and passages where the bearings can
>wipe excess teflon onto a stationary surface, like a journal hole, which
>restrict flow, actually DECREASING engine life. In a gearbox, it can't
>really hurt, much like the molybdenum based additives. In an engine, it
>or may do damage eventually. In a worn out engine, it might temporarily
>improve things, but rebuilds in a can don't last too long. Best thing is
>put the money you would have otherwise spent on oil additives in a jar.
>When it's time to rebuild, the jar pays for the rebuild. Do the math
>sometime. Had some guys out to the farm trying to convince me that a
>product called Prolong, another snake oil additive, would save me moneey.
>figured out that if I used as directed, over the useful service life
>expectancy of the engine, I would have paid more for the additive than I
>would rebuilding the 325hp cat that was in the tractor 30% sooner. (they
>were claiming a 30% increase in engine life)
>So, to answer the question, it's a scam designed to relieve you somewhat of
>the burden of financial independance... by fooling you into believing you
>need this for your engine's health.
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: vwdiesel-admin at vwfans.com [mailto:vwdiesel-admin at vwfans.com]On
> > Behalf Of Mark Shepherd
> > Sent: Thursday, February 13, 2003 5:37 PM
> > To: vwdiesel at vwfans.com
> > Subject: [Vwdiesel] Slick 50...scam'97?
> >
> >
> > [ Converted text/html to text/plain ]
> >
> > Does anyone over in the Americas still use Slick 50?
> >
> > I've not seen it over here in the UK for years...was it all a
> > Teflon coated
> > scam?
> >
> > Mark(the Miser)UK "If I can bend it or stick it together, I will!"
> >
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