[Vwdiesel] VW diesels and NET metering. (Gensets)

H .Hagar h_hagar at prcn.org
Tue Jan 28 11:41:49 EST 2003

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Ladies and Gentlemen's :  Finally something where I can contribute rather than just RECEIVE,.Due to the abundance of old 1.5L NA VW diesels.  (this month I bought 2 for a total of 300Dollars can.) They make a very desirable engine for a standby Genset.
Run at 3600 RPM.  it pays off in KW output. That requires 2 pole alternator (well worth it) to get direct drive.
And NOW that you got that working like a klock ,  how's about  NET metering and deepfryfat ????     Before getting that minkcoat   , do some serious reading ...Do not be fooled by all those scammers out on that highway    of greed.
I see they infiltrated this forum already.
A couple of comments about meters.    Most utilities charge for meters ---  a normal housemeter  is about 3.50 pr month a commercial meter   6.11 pr month  Here BC hydro    charge for power to house 0.0577 Dollars pr KWh.My commercial meter (digital) purchaseprice was more than 1500 dollars (Hydro paid).  Signing off  for now let me say I am humbled by having to follow in footsteps of the man who started all this , HC Oersted (Ørsted)   when he discovered electromagnetism.
Look him up, quite a man   he also made the worlds first aluminum----I would rather have a cast iron or brass head.

PS:   someone in WA state getting housepower for 0.02   -----yes two pennies for a KWh ??   at that rate I would leave the light on all night ---LOL.

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