[Vwdiesel] GTI tranny

Morrison, Peter Peter.Morrison at Capita.co.uk
Thu Jul 10 17:20:37 EDT 2003

Well, I must just be a lucky boy...........................

My 1989 Turbo has got 5 gears cruises @ 65 m.p.h. and still gives me 40+
miles to the ol' Imperial Gallon

Sweeet Wagon best of the VeeDubs I have owned!

Vanaorak (Old n' Bold and lives by the seaside)

-----Original Message-----
From: Harmon Seaver [mailto:hseaver at cybershamanix.com]
Sent: 10 July 2003 15:55
Subject: Re: [Vwdiesel] GTI tranny

  Not to mention how nice it would be in the vanagon. Or even just a 5spd.

Harmon Seaver

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