[Vwdiesel] BLOTTER test 101. ( by hagar ). 2003.July.

H .Hagar h_hagar at prcn.org
Fri Jul 25 09:24:29 EDT 2003

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Why now ???? because of that happy fella with the brand new Golf.   (That's=
 what I was praying for but I did not have 25.000 to spare.)    He should s=
tart a ring binder right now.
That Texas wildcatter Oil tycoon  --poo poo this  so judge for yourselves  =
5 years from now. I did not invent the test , but I wish  I had. It is by f=
ar the best test ever devised dollar for dollar. Remember the drop on the f=
rying pan trick ? to detect water in lube ?  Well this one is in a class al=
l by itself.
List of desirable equipment (all free for me)  3 ring binder and punch.  A =
stack of blotter paper.Will post type and where to get. A ball pen ----- an=
d let the fun begin. If you ever drive up this way along the west cost Hwy.=
 101 drop in and see my binders.
I use the test on ALL fluids on equipment . It will tell you when to change=
 brakefluid ,oils and coolants.
And contrary to nonsense coming out of Texas  A drop a few days after an oi=
l-change is NOT   black as "Tobys ass". he does not know what he is talking=
 about.   I shall post a link here to an articleabout this system of testin=
g=2E Why the ring binder ? --because it is not an absolute test it is a com=
parative system.   My oldest tests   are dated  1985. or so.     More on th=
is later.       Hagar.
PS: On the paper write date Miles(hours) type of oil type of filter and try=
 to use same type of paper all the time.   sure is fun to look at 10 years =

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