[Vwdiesel] help !!! leaky injector pump :-(

Derek weasel1 at sympatico.ca
Sun Jul 27 20:22:31 EDT 2003

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Well over the last two weeks, I noticed that my car was getting hard to sta=
rt.  I ruled out the recent timing belt change I had done and I knew that m=
y battery was due for replacement, but should have waited 'till the fall.  =
After noticing a waft of fresh diesel smell once in a while I took a good l=
ook and noticed small dripping from the back of the pump ( near the injecto=
r lines ).  I was hoping you guys had any ideas of what it might be.  I thi=
nk that the lines are o.k. ( I will clean that entire area  to help verify =
where the leak is ) but am wondering about a "bolt" that is in the centre o=
f the pump.  Is there a seal in there someplace that could be the cause of =
the leak ?  I can solve the hard starting by installing a small booster ele=
ctric pump, but I have to get rid of that raw diesel smell ...

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