[Vwdiesel] New blood

gary gbangs at cfl.rr.com
Thu Nov 20 12:02:46 EST 2003


Have him go to :


then fill in the requested blocks.

When I moved to Florida, I had to close my old subscription, and start a
new one. It seemed to work well then.


On Sun, 2003-08-03 at 08:20, Scott Kair wrote:
>     We had a newbie searching for a Diesel community find his way onto the
> off-topic wart list.  The guy was given, for free, a Peugeot 505 which sat
> for three years and started right up when he put a good battery in it.
>     I've never even laid eyes on one of these, but the guy is quite
> enthusiastic about it.  I've suggested that he subscribe to at least one of
> these lists for a wider experience base, but having been subscribed for so
> long, I'm not sure how to go about it anymore.
>     If anyone has recent information on subscribing to either list (there
> was a glitch in the enrolling software on the audifans list at one time),
> I'd appreciate it greatly if you could reply so I could cross post it to the
> OT list and get the guy signed on here.
>     TIA,
>     Scott Kair
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