[Vwdiesel] Fuel with water in it ? --- ( Get rid off )

H.Hagar h_hagar at prcn.org
Wed Aug 11 19:33:21 EDT 2004

Chrizzy one of the first thing I noticed in your thread was 2 or 3 oz of water------
if I had  a few drops ---it would give me night mares.

In Tyler TX ?    shitt that must be a bad fill-up.     Even here in the rain forest that
is a load of H2O.     Water in fuel ---is a NO NO   I use  water separators on the
V8   and the VW has a drain usually, drain it often .  VW filters have a drain on the bottom.

Stanadyne makes a super water separator ---- I am tempted to use one on Bunny Bondo.

Moral ?    drain your filters regularly.    Yes I know ---- some area PITA.    but do it.


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