[Vwdiesel] Rabbit droppings # 113 ---- ( the Jake factor )

H.Hagar h_hagar at prcn.org
Mon Aug 23 11:54:46 EDT 2004

Over time as I kept reading Lorens posts --- this Jake persons name kept
popping up. -------and I became curious.   Is he an old mechanical GURU
of Lorens ?.

Now I find out he was a Child Prodigy of diesel Rabbits.    That is fine with me
since I do not worry where the information comes from ----- but to be frank I 
would have liked it more if he was an elder.

Roger Brown has some links to  Jake ---and if you are a pump gang member ---there
is lots of VE pump stuff there,.    Jake was racing the Rabbit so that takes a lot of
know how --if you are going to win  (looks like Jake was really in to Rabbits).

Thems little Rabbits sure can be fun.


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