[Vwdiesel] Lubrication for beginners--- ( what really is DINO ? )

pmdolan at sasktel.net pmdolan at sasktel.net
Fri Aug 27 11:50:02 EDT 2004

Aircraft piston engines use dino oil because they are extremely low stress, antiquated technology and not a very big market.  The liability risks are huge, and the reward miniscule, so nobody really give a darn.  There isn't a full synth out there that wouldn't out-perform AD oils by several orders of magnitude in that application.

VERY FEW oil brands own their own base oil refineries.  In fact, each refinery is built to suit the crude from the area.  There are no "good loads and bad loads".  Of the mere handful of base oil refineries (under a dozen in North America) come hundreds of brands.  For instance, Castrol, #2 in the US, has no refining capacity at all.


----- Original Message -----
From: "H.Hagar" <h_hagar at prcn.org>
Date: Sunday, August 22, 2004 11:23 am
Subject: [Vwdiesel] Lubrication for beginners--- (  what really is DINO ? )

> As you can see from Val Christians " crappy oil "  thread  he was 
> lucky--like me to have spent a lot of time with professional 
> Tribologists.
> That resulted in some interesting discussions ,  and they are 
> still ongoing.
> I said from day one use the best oil you can afford  ---that sorts 
> out a lot of us
> me too.  I do not NEED to use cheap oils.    I just like to give 
> some hope to
> the lesser blessed.
> Thanks to API it has become a lot easier now a days.  Here is what 
> I found out , 
> There are times when a cheap oil is better than the more 
> expensive.  It has
> to do with crude and QC.     The top brands have good QC 
> departments the cheap ?
> who knows. At times the cheap guy gets a load of good crude ---
> BINGO now we get
> tales about engines doing fine. ----Then enter Wal-Mart and 
> Canadian Tire and Sears.
> Bet you they do not have their own refineries.    Things are 
> getting complicated.
> In my lifetime Shell has done a superb job --- Now I kind of like 
> Delvac 1 for newer
> diesels.     I never got good answers to a lot of questions. --- 
> LIKE   why such a
> difference in the crude ?   and how and where was the crude formed 
> in the first place.
> And when?    Some heavy duty diesels are still specifying 
> Mineralube  ---no dispersants
> no multigrade -----why  ?   because really good crude still make 
> an excellent lube
> dollar for dollar.    Like Val Christian mentioned  some of the 
> additives degrades the
> lubricating properties. And the secret is a GOOD filter.
> If DINO was so bad ? ---why is it the only stuff approved for 
> Aircraft engines.?
> Last time I talked to the refinery ---no Syn was approved ---think 
> --why?
> Why do I not use ExxonMobil right now ?  because the plant is not open
> week-ends.  Wal-Mart is.     15 W 40  Tech 2000 I use.  So far it 
> works.
> I have an engine here taken apart --gasser --that ran on dino for 
> a thousand hours
> it is clean as a whistle inside.  Sligtly yellow in places.   AD-
> 80 Esso.
> So to give the lesser blessed some hope ---NO your engine is not going
> to croak on lower cost API approved DINO oils .
> The best people to tell us about oils are the aircraft overhaul 
> shops.  When a 
> FBO with say a hundred Lycoming 0-320 gets there  they take the 
> engines apart and they
> have an oil change record right there. 
> Funny thing that oil is --or it would not be 50 dollars a barrel.
> oil selection is a compromise.  
> Val.   -----  and Hagar agrees 100%.
> Hagar.
> PS:  yes Val I do remember you said that some semi syns were approved
> for aircraft.     I checked Wal.Mart last night and man Delvac 1 
> is really being
> pushed right now. They even had 4.4 liter jugs.    It may not be 
> fully approved
> for diesels. Is Mobil 1 fully diesel approved ?
> I'd really be interested in qualified analysis of engine life 
> using 
> different cost oils.  
> Val
> Me too Val . I found a test where brands were compared --the syn 
> in the test
> did little better than the rest.All the engines were taken apart 
> after test and
> measured ---one hell of a lot of engines ----There was no 
> significant difference.
> All the oils did the job.---API did its job ?  maybe.
> Hagar.
> PS: Cheap oil may not be Crappy oil.-----then it may. Expensive 
> oil is seldom
> Crappy.   Makes me think I need a full body massage right now--
> hope Lenora
> is not out of oil.
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