[Vwdiesel] TD injector pump fuel dribble

Doyt W. Echelberger Doyt at NWOnline.Net
Thu Jan 15 10:59:52 EST 2004

On my 85 Jetta TD, there is a fuel dribble from the rubber nipple that 
drains the fuel enrichment module on top of the pump body....drip rate is 
about a drop per second when the engine is idling.

This same thing happened two years ago, (but it was more than a dribble) 
and I got the leak to stop by pouring a quart of Ford automatic 
transmission fluid into the fuel tank and running the car around town for 
about 10 minutes. The leak stopped and hasn't come back for two years, but 
here it is again.....at 15 degrees F.

I think that the tranny fluid works on some little rubber seal in that 
module, and it probably swells up just enough to stop the leak.

It would be helpful to know if I'm right about there being a seal in there 
that is leaking.  Also, if such a seal exists, could I replace it  without 
overhauling the entire injector pump?

I'm going to dump the quart of tranny fluid into the fuel tank again and 
see it the dribble stops this time, but I'd appreciate knowing more about 
other solutions.

Doyt Echelberger
85 Jetta TD, in Ohio's deep freeze. 

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