[Vwdiesel] turbo 1.6 or non turbo advice and oil burner

H.Hagar h_hagar at prcn.org
Mon Jul 12 11:15:34 EDT 2004

Bart Wineland and all :

Bart  relax ------if you are strugling -----you have not got the procedure down pad.

Or you have a non standard installation of pump.

There are 3 bolts at the sprocket end .  The two top ones can be done with
standard box wrench.  The botton one use a deep socket through hole in
sprocket.  ---Piece of cake.

Now for the number 4 (thats what I call it)   it is underneath the distributor
close to engine.   I do it with standard combination wrench.  using the box
end (9 pointer) -- a bit of feeling to get wrench on bolt --but not hard to do.

To remember which way to turn pump  ---- to advance turn pump against
rotation.          Top of pumps turned towards engine.

After all is done .. crack line nuts loose and retighten --to relieve strain on lines.

>From smoke to no smoke is often a matter of a pencil line move.


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