[Vwdiesel] Re: 91' Turbo Diesel Jetta

Gavrik Peterson gavrik at cablespeed.com
Thu Jul 29 15:50:21 EDT 2004

Thanks Val, Loren and 'Libbybapa' for the dope on the ECO Diesel.

It sounds like the ECO Diesel engine was not really an improvement
over what had been produced earlier.  No aneroid -- does not seem like
a good thing.  How do they make it work?

Loren said:

>TD's started in 83, went through 86 then reappeared in 92 but may
>have been a few 91's and 87's.

The type of turbo diesel that was found in the Rabbits went from 83'
to 86' (some in 87') and the ones that appeared in 92' (some in 91')
were of the ECO type.  Is that correct?

If so, then a guy that wants the newer golf type body, and the
'classic' TD engine, should search for vehicles from 85' to 87'.

  --  Gavrik

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