[Vwdiesel] Rabbit droppings # 42a --( nifty tricks I like )

H.Hagar h_hagar at prcn.org
Mon Mar 1 14:29:19 EST 2004

in # 42 I should have said Hillbilly "TUNING" not timing.

injection pump.  use a coffee filter and a funnel to top off the injection
pump?.   ---  yeah I like that one.

Charcoal briquettes in a hub cap under oil pan ? ---   yeah I like.

Taking a few threads of top of glowplugs to leave a peg for nut ?  ---I like.

James Hansens  pulling tool for tranny flanges --- I like.

We need a nifty way of making sure that timing belt is not too tight ---
how about it fellas? speak up. ------many a pump bushing bit the dust
from belt being too tight.

In the books  they always mention a special tool for dis and a tool for dat
and they cost money.  Now that I made all the tools here was it difficult ?
A piece of cake  --- including changing a standard american flaring tool to
do VW flares for brakelines. " bubble flare ?". 

Gotta go shopping (joyriding)   have fun  Hagar.

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