[Vwdiesel] Rabbit droppings # 42a --( nifty tricks I like )

James Hansen jhsg at sasktel.net
Tue Mar 2 01:01:09 EST 2004

The best way to determine T-belt tension is that you have to be able to move
the belt across the pump sprocket when tightened.  If too tight you can't
move it, if too loose, it feels sloppy.  Remembering that the block gets
slightly taller when it is warm, if you are adjusting when cold, there has
to be some play, or it will be too tight when the motor is warm.  DO NOT
twist the belt, it is not designed to do that, and by some chance of fate,
you might damage the belt.  I say might, I really doubt you could twist the
belt enough to hurt it unless you routinely remove seized wheel nuts with
your bare fingers, but it is a possibility. Too tight a belt will sing a
song to you, so if you hear a whoowhoowhoowhoo coming from under the hood,
that just happens to be in time with half crank speed, it's probably the
t-belt too tight.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: vwdiesel-bounces at vwfans.com [mailto:vwdiesel-bounces at vwfans.com]On
> Behalf Of H.Hagar
> Sent: Monday, March 01, 2004 1:28 PM
> To: vwdiesel at vwfans.com
> Subject: [Vwdiesel] Rabbit droppings # 42a --( nifty tricks I like )
> in # 42 I should have said Hillbilly "TUNING" not timing.
> injection pump.  use a coffee filter and a funnel to top off the injection
> pump?.   ---  yeah I like that one.
> Charcoal briquettes in a hub cap under oil pan ? ---   yeah I like.
> Taking a few threads of top of glowplugs to leave a peg for nut ?
>  ---I like.
> James Hansens  pulling tool for tranny flanges --- I like.
> We need a nifty way of making sure that timing belt is not too tight ---
> how about it fellas? speak up. ------many a pump bushing bit the dust
> from belt being too tight.
> In the books  they always mention a special tool for dis and a
> tool for dat
> and they cost money.  Now that I made all the tools here was it
> difficult ?
> A piece of cake  --- including changing a standard american
> flaring tool to
> do VW flares for brakelines. " bubble flare ?".
> Gotta go shopping (joyriding)   have fun  Hagar.
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