[Vwdiesel] Toluene anyone?

H.Hagar h_hagar at prcn.org
Wed May 5 11:10:59 EDT 2004

  Hagar, you have a test engine in your yard...  ;-)  I'd hate to 
add it to a tankful and THEN find out it runs crappy.  I'm wondering 
if it might at least, quiet down the knock.

Interesting --- just what I like tricky questions . I will be most happy to test it for you.

First I used Toluol and Toluene since 1957   -- gallons and gallons.  I have at least 2 gallons in the freezer.

Try not to sniff it too much.! ! !    It is a very strong solvent for varnish and some

Back in the late 70's toluene was a principle component in commercial
injector cleaning additives.  I don't know if that is true with today's


Toluene is fairly expensive --so I would try to get commercial Octane booster
and commercial Cetane boosters ---to be on the safe side.

The "elestomerics"  (is that the right word ?) in the Bosch pump may not like
toluene.    I can test that in no time.

Toluene is a great diesel injector cleaner  and carburetor cleaner..On two
cycle carbs especially. (metal carbs only)

Toluene is volatile ---very much so ----- so keep them cans cool --like your heads.

Experiments are to me like 18 holes to some of you. So the test engine was
used to test a lot of different fuels , last year.   How abouts  100%  AD- 100 ?.

It also proved that no harm came to engine with grossly advanced injection.
Under certain conditions.  (do not try on your Rabbit).

Bosch injectors to clean ? ----fill them with toluene --and let soak overnight. I use a small 
coffee can  .No need to take injector apart. (I do take apart).

Experiment with  "Rapitap"   ----" label said do not use on aluminum " ------be careful.
A chemical reaction may take place .  Drill press  still shows the scars. Test took
place in 1969.  The purple --deep purple --"smoke" sure was pretty.

One more "Rapitap"  --- I was cutting a titanium shaft with a hacksaw --- again
a chemical reaction --- very violent .

The Germans like magnesium so be careful around crank-case on airheads.

Magnesium cuttings went poof and took all the hair of my arms.If you put
the wool in a container ----better be a cardboard box or such.By the way
steel wool even is a fire hazard.

On one experiment with blotter paper  --- I got my beard trimmed and the hair
on the chest got curled.  Again a very violent chemical reaction.

So  Loren be careful --- If toluene has a high octane rating it must have a low
cetane number.


PS:  I wonder if my tranny's are magnesium..?.

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