[Vwdiesel] Rabbit droppings # 71 ----- ( crappy fuel in the pipelines )

H.Hagar h_hagar at prcn.org
Wed May 5 15:54:57 EDT 2004

Does HIGH prices mean crappier fuel ?  ---what do you think ?.

Loren is not satisfied with the sound of his diesel ----  he has tons of experience
so I will put money on the table. CRAPPY fuel.

The cetane number is likely around 35 to 40 .    In a case like that a cup of --
Hexyl §&%?*     will make one hell of a difference.

There is one way of testing if it is fuel ----Canola is around 45 cetane ---sometimes even 50.
And it is available in the grocery-store..  

What exactly is wrong with crappy fuel ?   Too much Cracking    , too much Aromatics.

Paraffin's are high Cetane --- and Aromatics are lower in Cetane.  Yes a lot of aromatics
in the cracked components.

Some time ago Ferguson said he was very interested in the change that adding AD-100
to fuel made here. The best lubes are made from Paraffin crude so the AD-100 was
very high in cetane number.     Fergus the story is to be found in archives.

I hope Loren will test out my pride and joy ---fuel conditioning "Hagar treatment"

Get a bunch of canning wax (paraffin)  add about 4 ice-cube pieces to a liter of
crappy fuel , and heat till dissolved.   Then add the liter to a fillup. Best way is to make
a batch (like I do) Then put a sample in deep-freezer. A good fuel should solidify.
(use in summer only) Your Rabbit will thank you.
It must stay liquid at room temperature.

Stick a Tiger in your tank ?  ---bull -- stick a candle in your tank.

Ice cube ?  --- yes I take an old tray from a fridge --spray with Pam --then melt
wax and freeze to remove --- that way I know how much to add without weighing.

Done this since day one of the fuel snafu ---about  1992.

Paraffin is a good lubricant .it is high Cetane and it burns CLEAN  ---what more
do you want ?

I do not use much gasoline but I was there when the troubles started "LEAD" and
now they say the replacement chemical is no good . Is it manganese ?.

The " Hagar treatment" is my sole idea and I like credit. You have my permission
to pass it on.It works and it is reasonable cost.Works best in Texas.

After you wife burns that humongus candle --do you see any ASH ?. or soot ?

In Summer I burn the candles at both ends and winter I use AD-100. and the
injection pump will last a long time.

CNN just said oil hit 40 dollars ------so here we go one more time.

I wax poetic on the economy of that cute little Rabbit.


PS: Cranking ?   ---the bastards  are trying to make a nylon purse from
a pig's ass.

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