[Vwdiesel] Hello Todd...removing self from list

Doyt W. Echelberger Doyt at NWOnline.Net
Sat May 8 13:18:44 EDT 2004

Hello Todd. You might be able to do this yourself.

To unsub, go to http://www.audifans.com  and select "mailing lists" from 
the top left side of the home page.

When the "mailing lists" page comes up, click on "Mailman Lists"

scan down to near the bottom of the lists and click on "vwdiesel"

and when that page comes up, look near the bottom for

"To unsubscribe from Vwdiesel, get a password reminder, or change your 
subscription options enter your subscription email address: "

Then enter your email address in the lowermost blank.

Click on the tab that says "unsubscribe or edit options"

and get a blue and white page that asks for your password.

If you don't have a record of your password, go to the bottom of the page 
and click on the "REMIND" tab.

Wherupon, as if by magic, an email will be sent at once, telling you what 
your password is.

Then, you can go back and use it to unsubscribe.

If this is not possible, send an email to  <vwdiesel-owner at vwfans.com> and 
explain what you want to happen.

Doyt Echelberger
trying to be helpful.

At 09:32 AM 5/8/2004 -0500, you wrote:
>Please remove me from the list!

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