[Vwdiesel] main seal

LBaird119 at aol.com LBaird119 at aol.com
Sat May 15 23:41:14 EDT 2004

sometimes seal themselves up.(mainseal..not people)
i have NEVER heard of this...thinking they worked or they didnt.
the crank was polished...not turned.
there is 125 kilometers  on the new/rebuilt motor.

  When I rebilt the Rabbit it did the same thing sort of.  It was fine for 
a week or two then all of a sudden started leaking about like yours.  
Did it for about a week, just long enoug to contaminate the clutch disk, 
then it quit.  Hasn't leaked since.  Only time that's ever happened to me, 
new seal too, as alway.

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