[Vwdiesel] Ring job done but no help

Sandy Cameron scameron at compmore.net
Wed Nov 3 14:11:17 EST 2004

Valve stem seals???

At 10:19 AM 03/11/04 -0500, you wrote:
>Well it is a new month and I know I was wearing my welcome thin last month. 
>Really appreciate all the help.  I did get my car (89 Jetta with '86 
>hydraulic 1.6 na) back on the road a couple days ago and even drove it to 
>work today. I have it exactly back to where it was before I tore it apart 
>for a ring job. It oil fogs really bad every time I back off the throttle 
>and take off again, especially at traffic lights. I was sure as badly as 
>the rings were worn I was onto something.  I have put a couple hundred 
>miles on it and put it to it good hoping to get the rings seated but it 
>actually seems to be getting worse.  Looking like I should have had the 
>head gone through while it was off and I deserve some "I told you so's". 
>The guy that "rebuilt" the engine 25k ago made a real fuss over how good 
>the head was so I really hoped something he told me was right, so I took a 
>chance.  I'm going to drive it some more the way it is and give it some 
>more time and will have to shake out my options then.  Bon-Ami?  It is good 
>that I don't have to do this for a living..
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>Vwdiesel at vwfans.com

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