[Vwdiesel] Strange TDC conundrum

H.Hagar h_hagar at prcn.org
Fri Nov 5 20:51:09 EST 2004

I'll just hillbilly tweak it to the sweet spot..


Way to go Sandy Cameron.    As  good Hams we tweak things a lot ---

And flyboys and Hams and Engineers and scientists and DIY in general that is a perfect
example of how we get these little beauties going ---I mean a humming.
I am beginning to feel I made a difference here ?.  WOW.
Sandy Cameron you sure made a difference ---tools  nifty ?  bloody right.
Sorry I got you confused with James Hansen all the time.   But you both are super
nifty tools guys.
And this is a forum where ALL has a chance to say anything  ?  right or wrong
speak up.   Look at Mark Shepherd ?   he is way off at times  --so what ?
I cant write English worth a shit ?`so what ?.     If in the end you get that Bunny  just a humming ?
is that not it ?----   I say it is.

Hagar . 

PS : I am having FUN here   ---and getting an Education. (finally)

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