[Vwdiesel] Injector tester --- ( the Hillbilly design )

LBaird119 at aol.com LBaird119 at aol.com
Sun Nov 14 18:45:36 EST 2004

> If the gun is a bit worn  use hydraulic oil rather than skinny fuel   or 
> lube oil.
> Loren is going to say spray pattern ? EH LOREN ?   ---and he is right you 
> must
> use driving fuel if that is what you want to test.    With NEW nozzles that
> test can be skipped.      Drip test and pressure is the most important.

  Actually, spray pattern is usually the second to last item.  First is the 
"pop."  The pattern can be fine but if the pop sound isn't proper, kind of 
crisp, then the mist will be coarse resulting in less than ideal burn.  The 
next thing tends to be kind of a tie for drip and pattern.  If the pattern 
to one side, it's probably a coarse mist as well, so replace.  You can try 
cleaning an angled pattern and once in a while it work.  Most other problem 
don't clean up enough to be worth even trying.  IMO if flushing doesn't 
do it, it's not worth the time do dink with them several times to MAYBE 
clean one up.
  Drip happens when you bring it almost to pressure or up to break pressure 
a little slower and you constantly see a drip right before it sprays.  
you'll get a drip after or the worst, a "pisser."  Those eat glow plugs and 
can hole a piston.
  I DO have an issue with using hydraulic oil!  A friend borrows my tester 
occasionally (he snagged it when he left the dealer we worked at and sold 
it to Dad and I).  He nearly ALWAYS fills it with ATF for testing.  I can't 
get a decent pop or pattern and often a lot of drip until I get it flushed 
with straight diesel.  After that I'll have 3 great ones and one marginal 
instead of one or two bad and a couple poorly marginal.  They just don't 
test right with any other fuel than diesel (#1 or kerosene should be fine). 
That's been my consistent experience.  Not like I only tried it once!  ;-)

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